§ 17.08.040. Tentative map—Reports and statements required.  

Latest version.
  • Reports and written statements regarding all of the following matters shall accompany the tentative map:


    Proposed method of control of stormwater and, if required by the director of planning, the approximate grade and dimensions of the proposed facilities;


    A detailed statement of the improvements and public utilities, including water supply and sewage disposal, proposed to be made or installed, and of the time at which such improvements are proposed to be completed;


    Provisions, if any, for park, recreation, fire protection, schools, or other public areas;


    The location of any known soil or geologic hazard areas. If the land division lies within a special studies zone shown on the map prepared by the State Geologist pursuant to the Alquist-Priolo Geologic Hazard Zone Act, a geologic report or waiver thereof shall be provided;


    Documentation that the notices required by Sections 66452.8, 66452.9 and 66452.51 of the Government Code have been given if required by the Map Act (these sections relate to conversions of buildings to condominiums, community apartments or stock cooperatives);


    A statement that the tentative map includes the entire contiguous ownership of the land divider;


    When the proposed method of sewage disposal is by a public sewer system, a letter from the proposed sewer entity stating that excess sewer capacity is currently available sufficient to provide connections to each proposed lot shall be submitted. Where sanitary sewers are not available, a soil evaluation report and, if the subdivision is in an area where there are potential geological hazards, a geological report, acceptable to the health officer, shall be submitted. All such reports must indicate that the individual sewage disposal system for each proposed lot will function properly. The soil evaluation report must contain soil percolation rates and other soils test data as may be required by the health officer;


    Four copies of any preliminary soils or geologic report required by Section 17.42.020;


    A preliminary title report containing a list of the names and addresses of the owners of real property located within three hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to be considered, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, and any update issued by the county assessor;


    A waiver of the time limits within which the tentative map must be approved, conditionally approved or disapproved, if such a waiver is required by Section 17.14.050;


    If any portion of any of the parcels proposed to be divided is included within the urban reserve combination zoning district, documentation must be provided that an informational copy of the same application has been filed with the applicable city, and that the city has determined that, were the parcels within the city, the application to divide the parcels would be considered complete;


    A report on the significant flora, fauna and other natural resources found on the property;


    A report regarding any archaeological and paleontological resources found on the property;


    Such additional information as may be required by the director of planning.

    (Ord. 935 § 1, 1989; Ord. 887 § 6, 1988: Ord. 854 § 2 (part), 1987: prior code § 11609 (b))

(Ord. No. 1379, § 98, 1-29-2013)